Friday, September 28, 2012

All district inservice

This was a short week at school. And that was a good thing. I was soooo tired going into the week, and I came down with another cold... 2 colds in the first 6 weeks of work isn't terrible right?! :)

So Wednesday we took off after school (3 attempts to get in the van and meet the plane) for Hooper Bay inservice. We made it in pretty fabulous weather. I was able to sit co-pilot and enjoy some sunshine on my face, some laughter with the pilot and some serious appreciation of the fabulous opportunities I have been provided as well as the beauty of my home.

Woooooo co-pilot!!!

It was cool to see all the era planes headed to and from Hooper Bay.

I was busy checking things out. Man I love flying!

Bush Alaska is a close second to Oregon as God's Country.

Sarah has gotten MUCH better with her flying... But we did have some bumps that scared her pretty good... And when we banked to come in for a landing in the wind she was convinced we were upside down, but we were not... Our wings MAY have been perpendicular to the ground...
Its been a great weekend of laughter and inservice. Hours of volleyball and a few new friends. Thanks to Hooper Bay for being fabulous hosts!! Thanks to Sam and Brandon and all my peer teachers for the fun. Time to head home and get some work done so I can accomplish my goal of being an awesome teacher.

P.S. Thanks to Jana Mae for the beautiful pictures.

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