Thursday, September 29, 2011

Short week--HPB Inservice

So it was a short week of school... The kids loved that. Ha. Today we were supposed to get out at 2 to catch the flight at 245 and 4. THEN our principal came on the intercom at 1250 and said for reasons beyond her control school would be out at 1... HOLY CRAP!! Talk about change of plans... Haha. My kids were freaking out, they were a bit confused. But we all made it.

Then we jumped on the plane to come to HPB. I got to sit shotgun and I was SOOOOOO excited!!!

The pilot was talking plane talk to me because "you seem interested." Ha. It was fun--we talked about the weather and how that affects the smoothness of the ride. He also talked about some of the controls and cruising speed and blah blah blah. You'll have to just sit on your head for that picture--I can't figure out how to turn the picture around in blogger... 

Now, I'm laying in bed in Hooper Bay (HPB). We went to their beach today-- Jana and I spotted a jellyfish, so we took some pictures with it but didn't disturb it. Then we found a dead jellyfish and played with it a bit... 

Played about 2 1/2 hours of volleyball and am proud to say, I've still got my serve... :) And I've got a floorburn on my left knee to show my hustle. :) 

Here are some pictures from the beach today. It was beautiful, sorta chilly, but soooo nice!! Jana found a sand dollar, yay her! 

Will write more tomorrow after a day of training--I'll upload more pictures too. :) Love and hugs!

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